Sydny is the one of the famouse company in the entertainment industry in the world. In service sector also Sydny posess the poineer in the service sector industry also. The 59,000/ Employees of Sydny land are highly professional and talented and creative in the profession. For the last 25 years Sydny Land keeps the prestegious name in the world. How it happens- LEE COCKERE who wrote in his book "10 commensense leadership strategy from a life at Sydny" is a must read books for a leader who leads a business.. The 10 points to remember and make it a practice in life and in business. Those who follow the ten points who can be successfull in his life and business..
1) Remember everyone is important
2) Break the mold
3) Make your people your brand
4) Create magic through training
5) Eliminate hassles
6) Learn the truth
7) Stay ahead of pack
8) Be careful about what you say and do
9) Burn the free fuel
10) Develop the charactor